Sometimes you don't want to make a separate store and modal in your code. A lot of file make you hard to maintain your application. Especially the combobox and the store just shows once in your application. So, you just need a static combobox. Here it is the code;
Altirenative 1;
{ xtype:'combo', fieldLabel:'Field Label', name:'theName', queryMode:'local', store:['1','2'], displayField:'Display Field', autoSelect:true, forceSelection:true }
Alternative 2:
// The data store containing the list of states var pilihan = Ext.create('', { fields:['display','value'], data :[ { "display":"Ya", "value":"1" }, { "display":"Tidak", "value":"0" }] }); // Create the combo box, attached to the states data store Ext.create('Ext.form.ComboBox',{ fieldLabel:'Pilih', store: pilihan, queryMode:'local', displayField:'display', valueField:'value', renderTo:Ext.getBody() });
Alternative 3:
{ xtype:'combo', fieldLabel:'Main', name:'main', queryMode:'local', anchor: '100%', store: Ext.create('', { fields: ['value', 'display'], data: [ { "display": "Ya", "value": 1 }, { "display": "Tidak", "value": 0 } ] }), displayField:'display', valueField: 'value', autoSelect:true, forceSelection:true }
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